Related Industries

The Greater Whitsunday region’s desirable location and renowned technical capability is attracting investment from aviation and aerospace organisations.

Agriculture comprises 89% of the region’s land use, boasting diverse agricultural commodities dominated by cattle, sugar cane and horticulture (fruits and vegetables). Grains and aquaculture are also significant contributors to the region’s agricultural production. The region’s 2019-2020 gross value of agricultural production was $1.6 billion.

The Greater Whitsunday region’s aquaculture sector currently contributes $21.2 million or around 18% of Queensland’s overall industry production with significant growth expected in the next five years from a range of new and exciting investments in the region.

Beef is one of the Greater Whitsunday region’s biggest exports, with an estimated value of $474 million.

The Greater Whitsunday region’s broad biofutures focus has been on the manufacture of bioproducts utilising many of the region’s unique opportunities to capitalise on expected global growth.

As a region committed to embracing technology across all industry sectors, education in the Greater Whitsunday region is established, respected, and constantly evolving.

Large-scale and emerging energy projects across the Greater Whitsunday region are powering on with 16 existing projects in Mackay Isaac Whitsunday and many more in the pipeline.

Mining & METS
The Greater Whitsunday region includes a large portion of the Bowen Basin, home to Australia’s largest metallurgical coal reserves and a key Australian mining region. The Mining and METS industry makes the greatest contribution to economic output in the region, totalling $19.4 billion and 46.3% of total output.

The Greater Whitsunday region, in particular Mackay and Proserpine, were built on the back of the sugar cane industry.

Tourism is a major employer and economic driver for the Greater Whitsunday region. The total value of tourism output for Mackay Isaac Whitsunday is estimated at $1.6 billion.