Total Workforce
Digital Professionals by 2030 to realise our future economy
more people will be employed by the Greater Whitsunday region by 2025
jobs by 2025-2026
Education Highlights
Career-based classroom learning.
The Greater Foundations program is aimed at informing Greater Whitsunday teachers and educators on what career and workforce opportunities exist across the region. Greater Foundations is delivered by the Greater Whitsunday Regional Jobs Committee. In its first year 96% attendees of the professional development event shifted to a confident understanding of local career opportunities after the event, as compared with a 37% starting confidence level.
Robotic solutions.
CQUniversity Ooralea campus is home to a state-of-the art engineering program with strong focus on Mechatronics, to develop 21st Century skills and future capabilities. GW3 and Future Anything have hosted educator roundtables at the university to dive into the future of work for high school students to help prepare students for the next stage of their education journey,
Imagine Greater.
Students can’t be what they don’t see and GW3 are collaborating with our traditional and emerging industries to ensure the Greater Whitsunday region has an adaptable workforce ready for the future. Our region is home to multiple billion-dollar industries and our highly skilled workforce has a proud track record of hard work and innovation and is supported by world -class educational initiatives.
Real world pathways.
The For Greater Careers Education Program is the first of its kind for the Greater Whitsunday region, with a tailored curriculum currently rolling out in classrooms. The focus of the program is on career modules to assist students identify and prepare them for regional career opportunities. Future Anything Founder Nicole Dyson said current research indicates an average 12- year -old today will have seventeen different jobs over five different careers.
Industry Accelerators
Latest News
Blueprint sets path for a new industry
Tapping into a share of an emerging global industry estimated by the CSIRO to be worth some $400 billion by 2040, is the driver behind the release of the Greater […]
Career education modules showcase opportunities across the Greater Whitsunday region
Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) is leading a regional approach to education, skills, and training with the launch of the For Greater Careers Education Program
Greater Digital Skills Program to solve workforce challenges for region’s SMEs.
The Greater Whitsunday region is set to experience a significant boost in digital capabilities with the launch of the Greater Digital Skills Program.
Greater Foundations24 set to empower educators to unlock greater career possibilities
Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) is again delivering the Greater Foundations program, aimed at informing Greater Whitsunday teachers and educators on what career and workforce opportunities exist across the region.
Featured Programs
Greater Foundations
Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) are building career-based classroom learning with Greater Foundations, a professional development event for educators across the Greater Whitsunday region.