The register lists 584 projects and highlights the developments in the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region, which is an increase of 137 from last year.

The data was sourced through CoreLogic, Australia’s largest provider of property related information and analytics and is a collaboration with Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) and Regional Development Australia Greater Whitsundays.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance Chief Executive Officer Ms Kylie Porter said $43 billion in projects listed this year was an increase of $3 billion from the 2020 Regional Projects Development Register.

“GW3 undertakes the Greater Whitsunday Project Development Register in order to identify key projects valued at over $1 million earmarked for the region.

“The Greater Whitsunday Project Development Register clearly demonstrates the economic strengths of the region and provides decision makers with a better understanding of development activity and opportunities across the region,” she said.

Ms Porter said CoreLogic uses a wide range of data sources to collect and validate information, including local and state government and media reporting. Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Councils also contributed to the data collection.

“The construction sector is showing excellent signs of continued growth with 305 projects across the region, which is up 38 from last year with a total project value of $4.9 billion.”

Ms Porter said the mining total projects was values at $17.7 billion, which is a $1.6 billion increase on last year.

“The register highlights 164 mining projects, 53 more on last year which include the Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail projects”.

The Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region’s total utilities project value sits at $12.8 billion, a $2.3 billion increase mainly stemming from the Whitsunday region with the inclusion of projects such as the Bowen Renewable Energy Hub Pumped Hydroelectric Scheme.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Andrew Willcox said Council has a clear set of priorities and projects that supports the Greater Whitsunday region’s vision to create a thriving economy for future generations.

“The Bowen Orbital Space Port at Abbot Point is an exciting opportunity for the Whitsundays that will not only establish a cutting-edge industry, but also attract a highly skilled workforce to our region.

“Our newly restored $63.5 million Shute Harbour Marine Terminal will provide modern, resilient infrastructure and state-of-the-art commercial facilities for our marine tourism sector. “In addition, our $18.8 million Proserpine Entertainment Centre, the $4 million Flagstaff Hill Cultural and Conference Centre in Bowen and the $1.2 million waterpark in Collinsville demonstrates our commitment to growth of our region’s social and economic infrastructure,” Mayor Willcox said.

The Regional Projects Development Register uses the following category definitions:

Infrastructure: permanent pieces of public infrastructure such as roads, rails and ports.

Mining: mining projects including construction and supply of associated services.

Construction: construction of commercial and residential projects.

Utilities: water, waste and energy projects.

A full copy of the Regional Projects Development Register is available to download here.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance is the region’s peak, independent economic development body committed to making the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday region strong for generations. . . . ends