Leann Priestley

Isaac Business Support and Facilitation Officer





07 4845 8222


Suite 10a, Level 1, 224 Victoria Street, Mackay Qld 4740


From strong foundations in the financial industry, Leann brings to her GW3 role an intrinsic understanding of governance, project management, strategic planning, and operational support. Her’s is a role that is pivotal to bridging the boundaries between communities and small businesses, with an acute focus on the Isaac Local Government Area.

As a dedicated Business Development Officer, Leann brings a wealth of experience in providing comprehensive administrative and operational support to ensure the seamless functioning of the Isaac Business Chamber. Her experience and skills have enabled her to specialise in Project Management, Governance, Budget and Reporting, Events Coordination, External Stakeholder Engagement, and Grants and Funding submissions, activations, accountability and acquittal.

I specialise in

Project Management: Governance, Budget and Reporting

Events Coordinator

External Stakeholder engagement

Grants and Funding

My Work

Isaac Business Chamber launches to amplify resilient business community.

After three years of planning, the Isaac Business Chamber will officially launch, marking a significant milestone for the Isaac region and its small business community.

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Isaac Region

Business Connection

Scoping Study