Related Accelerators

The region’s vision for decarbonisation is as aspirational as it is audacious.

Infrastructure, Energy & Water
Engaging in road advocacy, election priorities, and funding opportunities, GW3 aims to amplify our region’s voice and ensure that critical projects receive the attention and funding they deserve.

Expanding and transforming legacy industries and exploring economic diversification into new sectors.
Latest News

Greater Whitsunday Geospatial Hub to connect the dots across future workforce landscapes
Geospatial and Earth Observation (EO) technologies could be the next frontier for the Greater Whitsunday region’s workforce to explore.

Greater Whitsunday road infrastructure projects left behind in election commitments.
The Mackay and Whitsunday region are still waiting for road infrastructure commitments from parties in the lead up to the Queensland Government election this week.

Road safety improvements vital for the Greater Whitsunday region.
The impact of road closures to Greater Whitsunday region’s industries and communities is costing us dearly.

Greater Whitsunday region’s election priorities spotlight investment in road network.
Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) has released its 2024 Queensland state election priorities that underscores the critical need for investment in roads, housing and future industry growth for the Greater Whitsunday region.

Isaac Business Chamber launches to amplify resilient business community.
After three years of planning, the Isaac Business Chamber will officially launch, marking a significant milestone for the Isaac region and its small business community.

Strategy to unlock economic growth and diversification for the Greater Whitsunday METS sector.
The Greater Whitsunday region is set to capitalise on immense diversification opportunities.