GW3 Chief Executive Officer Ms Kylie Porter said the Grants and Funding Service, funded by the Local Buying Foundation, is designed to build, and extend the awareness of a range of funding opportunities from both government and private sources.

“GW3 is pleased to welcome Ms Cindy Baker to the team as the regional Grants and Funding Service Coordinator. Cindy brings with her a wealth of knowledge and has worked in regional economic development; facilitated partnerships at all levels of government, business, and community; and has delivered grants and governance training throughout Australia.

“Cindy also has a master’s degree in professional research and a post graduate degree in Inter-professional Leadership.

“Part of Cindy’s role will be to ensure business, industry, community groups and SME’s have the necessary awareness and associated skills to better access grants, therefore leading to increased investment in the region,” Ms Porter said.

Ms Baker said the service will support regional stakeholders apply for more funding and grant opportunities; build capability to apply and access funding and grant opportunities so that they are more successful with grant and funding programs in the future.

GW3 is pleased to welcome Ms Cindy Baker to the team as the regional Grants and Funding Service Coordinator
GW3 is pleased to welcome Ms Cindy Baker to the team as the regional Grants and Funding Service Coordinator

“This will be done through a combination of workshops and targeted activities; this is not a grant writing service but rather a capability building service.”

Ms Baker wanted a lifestyle change and recently moved from Southeast Queensland where she worked for State Government to pursue her passion for regional economic development.

“I have had an extensive career across all levels of government and have run my own consultancy business.

“I enjoy driving outcomes for regional benefit through strategic thinking and collaboration that’s sets the region apart and makes a real and long-term difference.

“This service will support the future growth and transformation opportunities by working to improve the strengths, connections, and capabilities of its stakeholders to attract grants and investment into the region,” Ms Baker said. 

Greater Whitsunday Alliance is the region’s peak, independent economic development body committed to making the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday region strong for generations.

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