COVID-19 has created many pressures for small business owners across the region.  Through the BHP Vital Resources Fund, small business owners can now access free sessions with a clinical psychologist. 

GW3 Chief Executive Officer Ms Kylie Porter said small business owners will receive free sessions with a clinical psychologist within 24- 48 hours of contacting the service on 1300 637 999 or by registering via the website 

Ms Porter said regional mental health specialist selectability will provide the MIW Business Wellbeing Service for an initial period of three months.

“Small business owners are feeling the direct impacts from COVID-19 and many are struggling with stress and their wellbeing.

“Whilst the Federal Government has provided immediate financial support through programs such as Job Keeper, the reality is recovery for business is likely to be long and hard and staying on top of their mental health will be critical.”

Ms Porter said recent research conducted by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman found that 61% of employing small business owners are aged between 45 and 59 years; with 65% of employing small business owners being male.

“We know that males in this age group are a high-risk category for mental health distress.

 “Additionally, regional business leaders are worried that small business owners may be avoiding seeking professional help due to significant financial concerns.

So together with the BHP Vital Resources Fund, we have created the MIW Business Wellbeing Service to directly support our local business community.”

To be eligible for this service you must have a registered small business with a current ABN and your business based in Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region.

Small business owners can either self- refer by calling 1300 637 999 or by registering through the MIW Business Wellbeing Service website, or via a referral from their GP.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance is the region’s peak, independent economic development body committed to making the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday region strong for generations.

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For more information please contact GW3 Communications Officer Fallon Drewett 0417727084


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“Small business owners are feeling the direct impacts from COVID-19 and many are struggling with stress and their wellbeing. – GW3 CEO Kylie Porter ”