The program funded through the Local Buying Foundation will help small businesses develop or enhance foundational digital skills and assets to improve their business’ bottom line.
GW3 Chief Executive Officer Ms Kylie Porter said the program was significant for the region’s small businesses to help them continue to trade and survive the current economic climate.
“This free program is designed to connect small business with a digital coaching to build or improve upon their digital assets and skills to trade through this crisis.
“My Digital Coach is a flexible and personally designed program where participants work with local professional coaches at their own pace.
“The program caters for businesses who have different needs. For example, businesses that need support to improve their social media presence; or ones that want to look at options to take their products and services into an online store.
We know that every small business is different and has unique needs and this program is designed just for that.”
Ms Porter said the My Digital Coach program is aimed at small businesses who have been financially impacted by COVID-19.
“Creating programs such as this is important to ensure our region has established, strong supply chains both now and in the future,”
Ms Porter said. To be eligible for the program all the following will apply:
• The business has a current ABN;
• The business was operating at least 6 months prior to 1 March 2020;
• The business is based in the MIW region;
• Employed less than 20 FTE employees as at 1 March 2020; and
• Ability to demonstrate significant impact on the business due to COVID-19 and inability to operate effectively online or to transition to online sales.
My Digital Coach has limited places. You can apply and find out more information by visiting the GW3 website
Greater Whitsunday Alliance is the region’s peak, independent economic development body committed to making the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region strong for generations.