The MIW Business Wellbeing Service provides free mental health support to Mackay Isaac Whitsunday small business owners.
COVID- 19 has created many pressures for small business owners across the region. Through the BHP Vital Resources Fund, small business owners can access free sessions with a mental health professional.
GW3 CEO Ms Kylie Porter said to be eligible for this service you must have a registered small business with a current ABN and your business based in Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region.
“As we move towards the end of the year it is a season that is difficult and stressful for many and this year those feelings and struggles may have increased due to COVID -19 crisis”.
Ms Porter said small business owners can either self- refer by calling 1300 637 999 or by registering thorough the MIW Business Wellbeing Service website , or via a referral from their GP.
“Business is negotiable, your mental wellbeing isn’t. It is important small business owners make their health a priority and take advantage of this resource offered,” Ms Porter said.
Since June regional mental health specialist selectability has provided mental health professionals for the MIW Business Wellbeing Service.
Selectability General Manager Mr Chris Attard said the lead up and over the Christmas and New Year period can be a difficult time for many, even more so since COVID- 19.
“Running your own business can be hugely rewarding, but for many small business owners having sole responsibility for the company’s success or failure can take its toll.
“Work related stress from running a small business, particularly in the current COVID-19 influenced climate is not uncommon and while stress isn’t the same thing as mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, excessive or long-term stress can increase your risk of developing a mental health condition,” he said.
Mr Attard said mental health often gets overlooked with many choosing to ignore the signs and continue to push through life.
“Our mental health plays a big role in our ability to parent, function within a family and in public. It’s important to know, that if left unchecked, mental health can affect more than just your mood.
“It is important to look after the most vital asset in your business – YOU.
“Whether you are a sole trader or small business owner, the healthier and more resilient you are the healthier your business will be.”
Mr Attard said business owners with poor or declining mental health can inadvertently affect the mental health and performance of their employees.
“Unfortunately, most people don’t get a mental health check as often as they should, and this can cause long-term issues.
“If you are feeling down, sad and/or anxious, or you have noticed that you have low energy and lack motivation then seeking early help from a qualified mental health specialist can make a difference,” he said.
The MIW Wellbeing Service is available by contacting 1300 637 999 or by registering thorough the MIW Business Wellbeing Service website
Greater Whitsunday Alliance is the region’s peak, independent economic development body committed to making the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday region strong for generations.