The register lists 489 projects and highlights the project pipeline in the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region.

Mackay has $1 billion in infrastructure projects planned and $2.7 billion in construction projects; Isaac has more than $15 billion in mining projects, as well as nearly $2 billion in utilities projects proposed; while Whitsunday has more than $6.7 billion in infrastructure projects planned and more than $8 billion in utilities.

GW3 Chief Executive Officer Ms Kylie Porter said the data was sourced through Cordell Connect, Australia’s largest database for residential, commercial, industrial, community, engineering and mining projects.

“The data presented in the register demonstrates the economic strength of the region and provides interested stakeholders with a better understanding of development activity within the region.

“The total value of projects listed is up $9.3billion from last year, with 38 more projects listed.

“The construction sector is continuing to show signs of ongoing growth with nearly $5.4 billion worth of projects planned across the three regions.

“This is up from the $5 billion worth of projects sitting on the register at the same time last year.”

Ms Porter said the value of planned utilities projects across the region increased from $2 billion in 2019 to $10.5 billion in 2020, with the Whitsunday region, accounting for $8 billion of this increase alone.

Regional Development Australia Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (RDA MIW) Chairperson Mr Darryl Camilleri said Cordell Connect is RDAMIW’s go-to database for residential, commercial, industrial, community, engineering and mining projects in the region.

“Our region’s ability to understand and be aware of the breadth, and magnitude of construction and infrastructure projects within the private and public sectors is critical to understanding how the region is tracking economically.”

Mr Camilleri said the level of development projects in the region is a general barometer of the economic prosperity of the region while also highlighting key skills and development needs within the regional workforce.  

“RDAMIW is happy to co-invest toward the provision of this vital information and looks forward to furthering its relationship with Core Logic and GW3 regarding ongoing access and use of Cordell Connect,” Mr Camilleri said.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor and Chairperson of the Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors (GWCoM) organisation Mr Andrew Willcox is a strong supporter of the 2020 release of the Regional Projects Development Register.

“New projects and developments are essential to the continued growth and prosperity of regional Queensland areas such as Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday.

“With an increase in both the value and number of projects on the development register this year, the greater region is poised to continue in its position as a powerhouse of both the national and Queensland economies.

“This continued interest will assist in ensuring our greater Whitsunday region emerges from the current economic setback due to COVID-19.

“The projects register shows we are in a strong position to innovate and grow future business opportunities for the regional communities of tomorrow,” he said.

The project uses the following category definitions:

Infrastructure: permanent pieces of public infrastructure such as roads, rail and ports

Mining: mining projects including construction and supply associated services

Construction: construction of commercial and residential projects

Utilities: waste, water and energy projects.

The Regional Projects Development Register is produced annually.

A full copy of the Regional Projects Development Register is available to download on the GW3 website.

Greater Whitsunday Alliance is the region’s peak, independent economic development body committed to making the Mackay, Isaac, Whitsunday region strong for generations.